www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

‘n Nuwe dag

  Your words are so foolishly and ignorantly composed that I cannot believe you understand them. – Martin Luther   ‘n Nuwe dag ‘n Rabbi vra sy studente: “Hoe weet ons die nag is verby en ‘n nuwe dag het...

Eredienste op ‘n Sondag

  It is a sweet mercy to have to go through the floods, if some filthiness may thereby be removed. —C.H. Spurgeon   Eredienste op ‘n Sondag Die week eis sy tol. Daarom is Sondae belangrik vir gelowiges. Ons het ‘n...

Psalm 33(4)

  The measure of our love for others can largely be determined by the frequency and earnestness of our prayers for them. —A.W. Pink   Psalm 33(4) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe Testament en Psalms. ‘n Direkte Vertaling van die Bybelgenootskap...