www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
Love between people, when given by God, is stronger than death. When you have loved deeply, that love can grow even stronger after the death of the person you love. You have to trust that every true friendship has...
Young people, you must pray, for your passions are strong, and your wisdom is little.—C.H. Spurgeon Hoekom glo jy? God verwag van gelowiges om te weet wat hulle glo en hoekom hulle glo. Die wêreld het vandag Christene nodig...
Three things there are which men never ought to trifle with: a little poison, a little false doctrine, and a little sin. —J.C. Ryle God het ons geroep om vredemakers en nie vredebewaarders te wees nie Geseënd is die vredemakers,...
All theology, when separated from Christ, is not only vain and confused, but is also mad, deceitful, and spurious. – John Calvin Psalm 31 (1) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe Testament en Psalms. ‘n Direkte Vertaling van die Bybelgenootskap...