Psalm 30 (1)
A community that is growing rich and seeks only to defend its goods and its reputation is dying. It has ceased to grow in love. A community is alive when it is poor and its members feel they have...
A community that is growing rich and seeks only to defend its goods and its reputation is dying. It has ceased to grow in love. A community is alive when it is poor and its members feel they have...
Daarom is die Joodse godsdiens so radikaal anders. Al die seremonies was maar net ‘n menslike dop of raamwerk waarin die essensie gehou is. Die raamwerk was kultuurgebonde. Dit was gegiet in vorme wat in die antieke wêreld bekend en...
A society which discards those who are weak and non-productive risks exaggerating the development of reason, organisation, aggression and the desire to dominate. It becomes a society without a heart, without kindness – a rational and sad society, lacking...
A sheep in the midst of wolves is safe compared with a Christian in the midst of ungodly men. —C.H. Spurgeon Geestesgesondheid Baie van ons is baie simpatiek as iemand fisies ongesteld is. Ons is egter onseker hoe om te...