www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Ek spring van gemeente tot gemeente

  No error is so gross, that it may not appear most plausible, if you consider it with the reason alone without the aid of the Word. — Martin Luther   Ek spring van gemeente tot gemeente Daar is ‘n...

Raak ontslae van die spanning in jou lewe.

  God’s wrath is the hope of his children and the despair of his enemies. —David Powlison   Raak ontslae van die spanning in jou lewe. Jongmense hoor gereeld dat hulle die geslag wat die beste verbind is, is. Maar hoekom voel...

Gary Player se tien gebooie

  All death can do to Christians is make their lives infinitely better. —Tim Keller    Gary Player se tien gebooie Kyk ons na Gary Player se webblad sien ons sy tien gebooie. Dat Player ‘n toegewyde Christen is, sien ons uit...

Psalm 28 (4)

  “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived, it is the difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” –Nelson Mandela   Psalm...