www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Die Christendom as Geskiedenis

  Growth begins when we start to accept our own weakness – Jean Vanier   Die Christendom as Geskiedenis Greg Gilbert het onlangs ‘n belangrike boek geskryf: “Why Trust the Bible?” Hierdie is vandag ‘n algemene probleem: Mense vertrou nie meer...

Psalm 29 (2)

  In the end, the most important thing is not to do things for people who are poor and in distress, but to enter into relationship with them, to be with them and help them find confidence in themselves and...

Moenie alles wat jy lees, glo nie

  All of us have a secret desire to be seen as saints, heroes, martyrs. We are afraid to be children, to be ourselves – Jean Vanier   Moenie alles wat jy lees, glo nie Greg Gilbert het onlangs ‘n belangrike...