www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
Jesus Christ knows you completely. Wny would you ever run from someone who knows everything about you and still loves you? —Colin Smith Wat verlang jongmense van die kerk? Die Fuller Youth Institute van die Fuller Theological Seminary het ‘n...
The raging of … fools tends toward the suppression of the Christian faith, the denying of the divine word, and the blaspheming of the Divine Majesty. — Martin Luther Mense is die sending Hy is moeg na ‘n...
It is difficult to express how ingenious almost all men are in counterfeiting a love which they do not really possess (Calvyn). Hoe oorwin ek Satan se versoekings? Geen generaal sal die oorlog ingaan sonder ‘n plan nie....
Jan vra: Eksodus 32. Moses is op die berg en keer nie terug nie. Die Israeliete raak ongeduldig en hulle dwing Aäron om vir hulle ‘n god te maak. Hy maak ‘n goue kalf en ek wonder om watter rede...