Lees die kultuur
For all things that God made are very good, but they are not acknowledged as very good by all – Martin Luther Lees die kultuur Kevin Vanhoozer (Everyday Theology) kla oor wat hy the Great Ommision noem –...
For all things that God made are very good, but they are not acknowledged as very good by all – Martin Luther Lees die kultuur Kevin Vanhoozer (Everyday Theology) kla oor wat hy the Great Ommision noem –...
Loss of interest in the word of God is loss of interest in God. —John Piper Bemoedig jy ander? Wat sal jou spanlede sê as hulle gevra word of jy ‘n bemoediger is? ‘n Bemoediger is iemand wat diegene om...
48:14-16 Die gedeelte begin weer met ‘n oproep wat waarskynlik bedoel is vir Israel om bymekaar te kom en te luister na wat die Here sê (48:12); die ‘almal’ kan verwys na die hele Israel maar betrek ook die nasies...
In proportion as it is a solemn work to preach it is a solemn work to hear. – Charles Spurgeon Die teenwoordigheid van mense Brother Lawrence het ‘n klassieke boek, The Practice of the Presence of God, geskryf....