www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
There is no absolute independence for man, our nature requires us to serve some master – J. Denney. Die Missie van die Kerk (2) Missie = belangrike opdrag; totaal van die doelstellings, oogmerke van ‘n instelling. Latyn: mittere...
The essence of Christian theology is grace, and the essence of Christian ethics is gratitude – G. C. Berkouwer Die Missie van die Kerk (1) Missie = belangrike opdrag; totaal van die doelstellings, oogmerke van ‘n instelling. Latyn:...
We do not want a Church that will move with the world. We want a Church that will move the world – G.K.Chesterton Psalm 26 (1) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe Testament en Psalms. ‘n Direkte Vertaling...
Failure to see our sin as primarily against God is, I believe, the reason we experience so little heartfelt grief over it. —Jerry Bridges Wat is fundamentalisme? Fundamentalisme is vandag ‘n vloekwoord. Om met enige vorm van ekstremisme verbind te...