www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
If we never have headaches through rebuking our children, we shall have plenty of heartaches when they grow up. –C.H. Spurgeon Praat God nog met ons? ‘n Leser het vir Billy Graham gevra hoe God vandag met ons praat. Of praat...
If you sincerely believe a lie, you will suffer the consequences. You must not only be sincere, but you must be right. ~C.H. Spurgeon Ek sal jou weg toemaak Daarom, kyk, Ek sal jou weg met dorings toemaak...
Prayer is the language of the soul in conversation with God. It is the most intimate gesture of the religious life and the most transformative – Sir Jonathan Sacks. Psalm 20 (1) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe...
I have often been told that “broad” views are wanted in the present day. I wish to be as broad as the Bible, neither less nor more. —J.C. Ryle Die kruis kan ons vrymaak Die kruis het die krag...