www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Moet jou kinders die erediens bywoon?

  It is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance, not our repentance that leads God to be kind. —Scott Sauls   Moet jou kinders die erediens bywoon? Om jou kind na ‘n erediens te neem, is nie altyd maklik nie....

Suksesvolle evangelisasie

  The church is not only where disciples go once a week; it’s where disciples are made. —Michael Horton   Suksesvolle evangelisasie In 1880 word William Booth, die stigter van die Heilsleër, gevra om  die Werslyan Methodist Conference toe te spreek....

Die storie van die evangelie

Grateful law-keeping is the saved sinner’s response to received grace. The rest of our lives are a way of saying, “Thank you.” —Derek Thomas   Die storie van die evangelie The Christian Church confesses that [what the world calls] “myth” is history...

Belê in God se beleggingsfondse

“O Father who sought me, O Son who bought me, O Holy Spirit who taught me” Celtic Prayer to the Holy Trinity” – Keltiese gebed Belê in God se beleggingsfondse Spoor hulle aan om goed te doen, en ryk te...