www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Genade: Is dit ‘n werklikheid?

  To wish the Lord to give us honour and ease in this life, is as unreasonable as if a servant should expect his master to wait upon him. – Spurgeon   Genade: Is dit ‘n werklikheid? Meeste van ons...

Hoe hoor ek God se stem?

  It was Satan who first corrupted God’s word by addition, then by subtraction, and then finally by direct contradiction. —Michael Horton   Hoe hoor ek God se stem? Ons hoor natuurlik God se stem in sy woord. Hoe doen ons...

Psalm 16 (2)

  Human love, however noble and however highly motivated, falls short if it refuses to include the Father and Son as the supreme objects of its affections – I. Howard Marshall   Psalm 16 (2) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die...