www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
The martyrs did not die because they believed the gospel, they died because they proclaimed the gospel. —David Platt Psalm 14 (2) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe Testament en Psalms. ‘n Direkte Vertaling van die Bybelgenootskap van Suid-Afrika...
Outside the church there is no salvation (Augustinus) Individualisme en die gelowige Met reg word individualisme as een van die grootste gevare van die kerk gesien. Dit is egter nie moontlik, en ook nie wenslik, om alle vorme...
The gospel is not a truth among other truths. Rather it sets a question mark against all truths.” Karl Barth Sonde: Wat is die invloed van sonde op my verhouding met God? Ek gaan ‘n aantal blogs gebruik om...
“So whenever we speak about what God has done, we should strive to show how much we depend on him alone, and how all we have comes freely from his bountiful hand.” – Johannes Calvyn Leef ek vir...