www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Die toekoms van musiek in die kerk

  “If you are going to walk with Jesus Christ, you are going to be opposed … In our days, to be a true Christian is really to become a scandal.” – George Whitefield   Die toekoms van musiek in...

Diversiteit moet onvermydelik wees

  “What! Get to heaven on your own strength? Why, you might as well try to climb to the moon on a rope of sand!” George Whitefield   Diversiteit moet onvermydelik wees Plaaslike gemeentes is nie gewoonlik bakens van diversiteit...

Psalm 8 (2)

  Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell – C. T. Studd, bekende sendeling   Psalm 8 (2) [Ek gaan dwarsdeur van die Nuwe...