www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
You either bear the everlasting dignity of acting God’s sovereign will willingly, or the everlasting shame of acting his will unwillingly. – John Piper Opskrifte van die Psalms Die eerste of eerste twee verse gee bepaalde inligting oor...
The passion of hatred, ignorance, and vainglory, having overpowered a man, holds his eyes fast as the tyrant does the free man. As he dares not speak out what is true, so the eye bewitched by such passions fails...
‘n Leser vra: Is dit net die Vader wat weet wie se name opgeteken is in die Boek van die lewe of weet Christus ook? Hulle is mos een? Ek stoei daarmee dat as God ons uitverkies het in Christus,...
“The Gospel cannot be truly preached without offense and tumult.” ― Martin Luther Waarom in die wêreld? Julle moet nie ontsteld wees nie. Glo in God; glo ook in My (Johannes 14:1). Andy Stanley (Why in the World: The...