Die skrywers van die Psalms
“All the good things that Christ bestows on his saints come to ’em as freely as water runs down in a river.” Jonathan Edwards Die skrywers van die Psalms Die oorsprong van die psalms is die ou gedigte...
“All the good things that Christ bestows on his saints come to ’em as freely as water runs down in a river.” Jonathan Edwards Die skrywers van die Psalms Die oorsprong van die psalms is die ou gedigte...
“Those speak foolishly who ascribe their anger or their impatience to such as offend them or to tribulation. Tribulation does not make people impatient, but proves that they are impatient. So everyone may learn from tribulation how his heart is constituted.” – Martin...
I know of no case study in history that describes an organization that has been managed out of a crisis. Every single one of them was led – George J. Flynn Jesus word versoek Na Jesus se doop...
The truly wise are humble because they know they still have so much to learn. —Don Whitney Jesus by die tempel Die Nuwe Testament vertel ons baie min van Jesus se lewe vanaf sy geboorte tot aan die begin...