www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Emosie kan nie aanbidding ondersteun nie

  Beware of despairing about yourself; you are commanded to place your trust in God, and not in yourself – Augustinus   Emosie kan nie aanbidding ondersteun nie There are times when it is really easy to follow Jesus, and...


  If the Lord’s bearing our sin for us is not the gospel, I have no gospel to preach – Spurgeon   Modelleer Ek het vir julle ‘n voorbeeld gestel, en soos Ek vir julle gedoen het, moet julle ook...

Oordeel: nie so maklik nie

  The church is the traveller’s inn where the wounded are healed – Augustinus   Oordeel: nie so maklik nie If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it...

Hoe weet ek wat God se wil is?

  Thinking deeply about the gospel is the only way to consistently feel deeply about the gospel. —C. J. Mahaney   Hoe weet ek wat God se wil is? Hoe kan ons God se wil vir ons vasstel? In die Skrif...