Die pad van wysheid (1)
Reproof is one of the few things more blessed to receive that to give – Derek Kidner Die pad van wysheid (1) Kennis begin met die dien van die Here; dit is net dwase wat wysheid en opvoeding...
Reproof is one of the few things more blessed to receive that to give – Derek Kidner Die pad van wysheid (1) Kennis begin met die dien van die Here; dit is net dwase wat wysheid en opvoeding...
Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion for the world is to look out, yours are the feet with which He is...
We are saved by the gospel of God to worship the God of the gospel. —Fred Sanders Die Herder en sy Skape Leiding ontlok beide betowering en vrees. Betowering, want Christene wil deur God gelei word. Hulle weet ook...
An obsession merely with doing all God’s commands may be the very thing that rules out being the kind of person that he calls us to be – Dallas Willard Slegs God se beeld gee aan ons ‘n...