www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Ons het ‘n koning nodig

  “A Christian separated from the communion of the saints would not be a Christian at all.”–Karl Barth   Ons het ‘n koning nodig Almal wil ‘n koning wees – by die werkplek of ons huis of waar ook al....


  God is never satisfied with anything less than the devotion of ou whole life for the whole duration of our lives –  Sinclair Ferguson   Bemoediging Barnabas het hom egter oor Saulus ontferm en hom na die apostels toe...

Maria Magdalena

  The Law tells us what to do. The Gospel tells us what God has done for us in Christ. —Michael Horton   Maria Magdalena Daar is baie Maria’s in die Bybel wat verwarrend is. Oor Maria Magdalena is daar baie...