www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Die evangelie

  If your heart doesn’t ache for people who don’t know Christ, you may not know Christ yourself. —Burk Parsons   Die evangelie Ons praat oor die evangelie, maar is maar versigtig om dit met ander te deel. Persoonlike evangelisasie is...

Leer uit jou sukses

  Our prayers are heard, not because we are in earnest, not because we suffer, but because Jesus suffered. —Oswald Chambers   Leer uit jou sukses Ons hoor gereeld dat ons ons mislukkings deeglik moet ontleed, want jy gaan baie daaruit...

Wie is jy?

  Faith is self-renouncing; works are self-congratulatory. Faith looks at what God does; works have respect to what we are –  J. Murray   Wie is jy? Baie van ons wil iemand wees wat ons nie is nie. Meer oefening,...

Ons is moeg vir vermaak

  To obey the cravings of sin is to be alive to sin;  but not to obey the cravings of sin or succumb to its will, this is to die to sin –  Origenes   Ons is moeg vir vermaak...