www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Volg My (5)

  God answers the prayer we ought to have made rather than the prayer we did make. —J.I. Packer   Volg My (5) David Platt het ‘n kort boekie: What did Jesus really mean when He said: Follow me? geskryf. Ek...

Christene word nie net vergewe nie

  Sin forsaken is one of the best evidences of sin forgiven. —J.C. Ryle   Christene word nie net vergewe nie Christene hou nogal van plakkers op hulle karre. Een van die ergste is: Christian’s aren’t perfect, just forgiven. Paulus sê:...

God se teenwoordigheid in my lewe

  The unrighteous look for the good in themselves and for evil in others … the righteous try to see their own faults and overlook those of others – Martin Luther   God se teenwoordigheid in my lewe Is ek...