Ek kyk na wat ek kortkom
Love provides the motive for obeying the commands of the law, but the law provides specific direction for exercising love – Jerry Bridges Ek kyk na wat ek kortkom Niks sal jou geloof so dreineer as jy gedurig...
Love provides the motive for obeying the commands of the law, but the law provides specific direction for exercising love – Jerry Bridges Ek kyk na wat ek kortkom Niks sal jou geloof so dreineer as jy gedurig...
Love is from God the way heat is from fire, or the way light is from the sun. Love belongs to God’s nature – John Piper Draai die briek aan Ons beweeg al hoe vinniger. Ons het ‘n...
Die Fariseërs Die Fariseërs was direkte opvolgers van die Chassidim. Hulle naam beteken “die afgeskeidenes” wat in gees aansluit by die van die Chassidim. Ten tye van, die Nuwe Testament was hulle omtrent 6000 in getal. Hulle was besonder nougesette...
In service we must experience the many little deaths of going beyond ourselves. Sevice banishes us to the mundane, the ordinary, the trivial – Richard Foster Genade Daar was ‘n groot en bekende kerk in Engeland wat verskeie...