www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Geseënd is diegene wat waag

  You don’t have to transform the message, but you do have to translate it – Rick Warren   Geseënd is diegene wat waag Jesus het die verhaal van die ryk man wat op reis wou gaan, vertel (Matteus 25:14...

Die aakligste storie in die Bybel

  People who say ‘keep your religion to yourself’ are totally ignorant of  Christianity.  Totally.  Ignorant.  They might as well say to the sun ‘keep your light to yourself’– Jim West   Die aakligste storie in die Bybel Die aakligste...

Is ek waarlik ‘n Christen?

  We face a changing culture by faith in a changeless Christ. —H.B. Charles Jr.   Is ek waarlik ‘n Christen? Laat ons tog God nader met ‘n opregte hart en met volle geloofsekerheid (Hebreërs 10:22) Daar is min vrae wat soveel...

Vriendskap is belangrik

  The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow   Vriendskap is belangrik Die woord vriend word vandag baie...