www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
“I want to start by saying just two simple sentences about the church. First, the church exists to worship God in Jesus Christ. Second, the Church exists to make new disciples of Jesus Christ. Everything else is decoration. Some...
“In this world two things are essential: a healthy life and friendship…” – Augustinus God se toorn Om mense vir Christus te wen sluit in dat hulle besef dat daar ‘n behoefte is wat net Christus kan vervul....
Only he who believes is obedient; only he who is obedient, believes – Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Dit is al wat nodig is Dit word vertel dat Johannes, die apostel, by geleentheid op ‘n draagbaar na die kerk gedra is....
In die tye van die Bybel was dit besonder moeilik om te reis. Baie reise is per voet onderneem. Soms is met donkies of kamele gery-of saam met hulle geloop terwyl die diere die vrag gedra het. Die paaie was...