Dawid se wapenrusting
There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God. —Paul Washer Dawid se wapenrusting En Dawid het Saul se swaard bo-oor sy uitrusting vasgegord. Maar hy...
There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God. —Paul Washer Dawid se wapenrusting En Dawid het Saul se swaard bo-oor sy uitrusting vasgegord. Maar hy...
Gelowiges juig (18:20) 18:20 Teenoor die drie groepe rouklaers se siening, staan die visie van Bo. Die herstel van die skepping vereis dat al die valse gode op hulle plek gesit word: ‘juig oor haar (oor Babilon)…’, Soos die hemel...
The purpose of the home is to be a place of refuge, grace, and productivity—not a platform for me to prove what a great homemaker I am. — Courtney Reissig Die konteks van apologetiek Kom ons kyk nader na...
In terms of Christian theology, the gospel is the glue between doctrine, experience, mission, and practice – Michael Bird ‘n Model om twyfel te hanteer In Johannes 20 lees ons hoe Jesus ‘n twyfelaar – Tomas – benader....