www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Vergewe en onthou

  The purposes of God in the gospels are focused on God’s longing to put the world to right, and to put people to right is part of that world – N. T. Wright   Vergewe en onthou Die sleuteltoets...

Ek is Nommer een!

  When the hosts of the enemy distress you, when your frame is fevered and your passions roused, when you say in your heart, “What shall I do?” Elisha’s words shall give you your answer, “Fear not, for they that...

Kan ek nog leer?

If you can trust God to save you for eternity, you can trust him to lead you for a lifetime. —David Platt   Kan ek nog leer? Die een kenmerk wat suksesvolle van onsuksesvolle mense skei, is hulle vermoë om nog...