www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
“The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community, but the person who loves those around them will create community.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer Kan ons maar kla? Kla is nie noodwendig verkeerd nie. Daar is ‘n gelowige...
There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal – C. S. Lewis ‘n Heilige lewe (1) Beywer julle vir vrede met alle mense asook vir ‘n heilige lewe, waarsonder niemand die Here sal...
Jan vra: Jesus sê vir Nikodemus (Joh 3:3): “As iemand nie weer gebore word nie, kan hy die koninkryk van God nie SIEN nie.”
As Nikodemus dit dan soos ‘n natuurlike geboorte verstaan, sê Jesus (v5): “As iemand nie gebore word...
“[Your] zeal for heavenly life [is] a zeal which keeps a man entirely devoted to himself, and does not, even by one expression, arouse him to sanctify the name of God.” – Calvyn Globale sending Ons hoor dikwels...