www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Vertrou ek die evangelie?

  It is from God that parents receive their children, and it is to God that they in turn ought to lead them (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)   Vertrou ek die evangelie? Ek skaan my nie oor die evangelie nie, want dit...

Kan oordeel vermy word?

  Autonomous reason …, reason as the final court of appeal, is the real core of sin, the secret heart of the contradiction in the nature of man.  — Emil Brunner   Kan oordeel vermy word? In Sefanja 1 lees...

Josua, die nuwe leier

  Commercial television is for profits not prophets – Os Guinness   Josua, die nuwe leier In Josua 1:6 – 9 kry ons seker die grootste motiveringspraatjie in die Bybel. Moses het pas gesterf en nou word sy opvolger geroep...