Die Boodskap aan Sardis
“The Church must be forever building, for it is ever decaying within and attacked from without; for this is the law of life.” –T. S. Elliot Die Boodskap aan Sardis Word wakker En versterk wat nog by julle...
“The Church must be forever building, for it is ever decaying within and attacked from without; for this is the law of life.” –T. S. Elliot Die Boodskap aan Sardis Word wakker En versterk wat nog by julle...
Nothing can be more cruel than that leniency which abandons other to sin. Nothing can be more compassionate than that severe reprimand which calls another Christian in one’s community back from the path of sin – Dietrich Bonhoeffer. ...
Where Scripture speaks, God speaks – Augustinus God se sending Die kerk is baie geneig om teologie (hoe God is, wat Hy gesê en gedoen het) van sending (oor ons en wat ons doen) te skei. Maar ons...
Jan vra: Ps 2: 7, Hand 13: 33 en Heb 1, 5, 5: 5 Staan daar ; vandag het Ek self U gegenereer. Amplified: Begotten. Genesis 1: 1 sê: In die begin het God die hemel en die aarde geskape....