Wie, sê die mense, is die Seun van die mens?
When our spirit is lonely, we need friends. When oor body is cold, we need clothing. When oor mind is bored, we need books. To admit this is not unspiritual; it is human – John Stott. Wie, sê...
When our spirit is lonely, we need friends. When oor body is cold, we need clothing. When oor mind is bored, we need books. To admit this is not unspiritual; it is human – John Stott. Wie, sê...
It is a greater mercy to descend from praying parents than from nobles. —John Flavel Die Mona Lisa In Jenson en Grimmond se The Archer and the Arrow word die bewaring van die evangelie vergelyk met die bewaring van die...
Celesté vra: My vraag is, waar staan dit in die Bybel dat wit mense met swart mense mag trou of nie? Ek hou nogal van Pastoor Robert Morris se preke, en ek het toevallig gesien sy dogter is met ‘n...
Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; conservative in preserving the faith and radical in applying it. —John Stott Ly vir die evangelie Om vir Christus te ly is ‘n belangrike tema in 2 Timoteus. In 2 Timoteus...