www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Wat is die evangelie?

We poor mortals are not so constituted that we listen as carefully to what brings us to order as we do to what brings others. –  Huldrych Zwingli   Wat is die evangelie? Uit 2 Timoteus kan ons die evangelie...

Psalm 119

The process of history is not haphazard. There is a purpose in it all. And the purpose is the purpose of God. —Leon Morris   Psalm 119 Hierdie is nie alleen die langste psalm (176 verse) nie, maar ook die psalm...


A twig is brought to any form, but grown trees will not bow. How few are converted in old age! —John Flavel   Bekering Wat is bekering? Baie mense sê dit beteken dat ons spyt is oor ons optrede van die verlede....