Ons is in ‘n geestelike oorlog betrokke
He who merely studies the commandments of God is not greatly moved. But he who listens to God commanding, how can he fail to be terrified by majesty so great? – Martin Luther Ons is in ‘n geestelike oorlog...
He who merely studies the commandments of God is not greatly moved. But he who listens to God commanding, how can he fail to be terrified by majesty so great? – Martin Luther Ons is in ‘n geestelike oorlog...
‘n Leser vra: Goeie dag, Omstandighede is nie so lekker by my nie. Ek het twee serebraal verstandelik gestremde dogters wat epilepsie kry. Ek moet alles vir hulle doen, hulle is in rystoele en dit raak nie makliker nie. My...
Let not widows be neglected. After the Lord be thou their guardian – Ignatius. Onderskei God se stem van ons lewensomstandighede Elke gelowige wil van God hoor. My skape luister na my stem; Ek ken hulle en hulle...
If youth but had the knowledge, if age but had the power – Franse spreekwoord Die voortdurende behoefte aan regstelling en berou Hoe reageer jy op konfrontasie? Met nederigheid en berou of word jy kwaad? Word die saak...