www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog


  Until God reveals himself to us, we do not think that we are men, or rather, we think that we are gods; but when we have seen God, we then begin to feel and know what we are. –...

Hoe oorleef jy teen ‘n groot oormag?

  The opposite of love is not correction but indifference. —Anthony Thiselton   Hoe oorleef jy teen ‘n groot oormag? Soek jy ‘n waarborg vir veiligheid? Wil jy absoluut seker wees dat jy en jou geliefdes veilig sal wees? God het...

Wees versigtig om nie te val nie

  Let us abhor all onesidedness, all exaggeration of one truth and disparagement of another – C.H. Spurgeon   Wees versigtig om nie te val nie [Eksodus 32:1 – 9] Hoekom verval Israel in afgodery? Vir dieselfde redes as wat...