EK IS, het my gestuur (2)
Next to praying there is nothing so important in practical religion as Bible reading. By reading that book we may learn what to believe, what to be, and what to do; how to live with comfort, and how to...
Next to praying there is nothing so important in practical religion as Bible reading. By reading that book we may learn what to believe, what to be, and what to do; how to live with comfort, and how to...
The existence of hypocrites does not prove the non-existence of true believers. —C.H. Spurgeon Bevry deur genade (1) Die idee van God se onverdiende guns is uniek, rewolusionêr en lewensveranderend. Mense sukkel om die begrip van God se genade te verstaan....
The primary purpose of reading the Bible is not to know the Bible but to know God –James Merritt EK IS, het my gestuur (1) Eksodus 3 en 4 [Ek gaan ‘n hele aantal blogs aan Eksodus spandeer....
“The wilderness is the Oxford and Cambridge of God’s students” – Spurgeon Hoe moet ons die Briewe van die Nuwe Testament lees? Hierdie is ‘n voortsetting van Mel Lawrenz se reeks oor Understanding the Bible. In die briewe...