www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Ware gemeenskap (1)

  Iemand het by geleentheid vir Sir James Simpson, die ontdekker van chloroform gevra wat sy grootste ontdekking was: “My greatest discovery was that Jesus Christ is my Saviour.”   Ware gemeenskap (1) Gordon MacDonald het ‘n aantal artikels oor...

Gebed: ‘n Gesprek, ‘n ontmoeting

  “If I find in myself desires which nothing in the world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” C. S. Lewis   Gebed: ‘n Gesprek, ‘n ontmoeting God is die inisieerder van...

Efese, o Efese

  Morality may damn as well as vice. A vessel may be sunk with gold as well as with dung. —Thomas Watson   Efese, o Efese Paulus het die gemeente in Efese gestig. Ten spyte van teenstand en erge verdrukking het...