www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Ek wil ‘n groot leier wees

  Too many church members are starched and ironed but not washed. —Vance Havner   Ek wil ‘n groot leier wees “A true leader does not search for followers” – Myles Munroe Dit is mos nie waar nie. Hoe anders kan...

Hoe werf ons vrywilligers

  The belly being full, either no prayers at all, or else fat and unwieldy prayers, are made.  — Heinrich Bullinger   Hoe werf ons vrywilligers Die rol van vrywilligers in ons gemeentes word toenemend belangriker. Maar meeste gemeentes sukkel...

Ouer mans

  Take a saint, and put him into any condition, and he knows how to rejoice in the Lord. —Walter Cradock   Ouer mans In Titus 2:1 – 6 praat Paulus oor alledaagse geloof. Let daarop dat hierdie ons reaksie op...