www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Die dwase najaag van rykdom

  “No man ever went to heaven alone; he must either find friends or make them” (John Wesley)   Die dwase najaag van rykdom Meeste van ons is maar soos Johannes en Jakobus toe hulle vir Jesus gevra het: Here,...

Waarvoor staan ek?

  “Failure isn’t a character quality. It’s just an event. How you respond to failure is your character.” – Rick Warren via Twitter   Waarvoor staan ek? ‘n Mens kry die indruk dat vandag se Christene beter bekend is vir die...

Swak gewoontes

  Present-day Christendom really lives as if the situation were as follows: Christ is the great hero and benefactor who has once and for all secured salvation for us; now we must merely be happy and delighted with the innocent...