www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Verlossing as herstel na heelheid

  No one who is a man-pleaser preaches the whole counsel of God. —R.C. Sproul   Verlossing as herstel na heelheid In Lukas 8:28 – 39 lees ons van Jesus wat ’n man van bose geeste bevry. Hierdie man dra nie...

Die kerk vandag

  And though this world with devils fill’d Should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God hath will’d His truth to triumph through us. Martin Luther.   Die kerk vandag Die kerk word vandag deur verskeie interne...


  The proud look down on the others because they do not look up to God (Raymond E.  Brown)   Probleemoplossing Een manier waarop mense hulle vaardighede as leiers bewys, is deur hulle vaardighede om probleme op te los. Nehemia...