www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog

Die boustene vir ‘n Bybelse gemeenskap

  Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except the best. –Henry van Dyke, digter (1852-1933)   Die boustene vir ‘n Bybelse gemeenskap Gemeentes word groter. Hoe groter ‘n...

Vrees is my hoofvak

  Though sin often brings immediate pleasure, it gives no lasting joy. —RC Sproul   Vrees is my hoofvak Meer as ‘n dekade gelede het David Brooks ‘n geslag van elite universiteitstudente beskryf. Hulle het ‘n obsessie met prestasie gehad –...

Geestelike vorming: Wat is dit?

  God is well pleased when all our actions proceed from love, love to Himself, and love to immortal souls. George Whitefield Geestelike vorming: Wat is dit? Diane Chandler (Christian Spiritual Formation: An Integrated  Approach for Personal and Realational Wholeness)...