www.bybelkennis.co.za Blog
So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being. -Franz Kafka, skrywer (1883-1924) Kry ‘n kultuur-relevante vertrekpunt Paul Copan en Kenneth D. Lidwak ( The Gospel in the Marketplace...
When you go through a trial, the sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which you lay your head. —C.H. Spurgeon Hoekom misluk ons? Mislukking hoef nie finaal te wees nie. Almal ondervind mislukkings in hulle lewe. God laat...
If our purpose in attending church is to meet with God, then we dare not approach with carelessness. —John Sartelle Paulus se oorredende benadering Paul Copan en Kenneth D. Lidwak ( The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas) gebruik...
2:27 Getroue gelowiges het ‘die salwing’ van Jesus ontvang. Die salwing dui op die inwyding in die gesin van God deur die ontvangs van die Heilige Gees wat in die gelowige kom woon het, wat hom/haar deur die woord van...