Tagged: Geestelike droogte


Geestelike droogte

Since the primary motive of evil is disguise, one of the places evil people are most likely to be found is within the church. What better way to conceal one’s evil from oneself, as well as from others, than to be a deacon or some other highly visible form of Christian within our culture? Martin Buber, Good and Evil


Geestelike droogte

Henri Nouwen:

Soms ondervind ons ‘n erge droogte in ons geestelike lewe. Ons voel nie lus om te bid nie; ons is nie bewus van God se teenwoordigheid nie; die eredienste verveel ons. Soms is dit so erg dat ons dink dat alles wat ons oor God, Jesus Christus en die Heilige Gees geglo het, net ‘n feëverhaal was.
