Tagged: Twyfel



A dog barks and stands at bay if he sees any one assault his master. I should be indeed remiss, if, seeing the truth of God thus attacked, I should remain dumb, without giving one note of warning… –  Calvyn



After many years of seeking to live a spiritual life, I still ask myself, “Where am I as a Christian?” — “How far have I advanced?” — “Do I love God more now than earlier in my life?” — “Have I matured in faith since I started on the spiritual path?”

Bekende Bybelfigure Twyfel

 “The more fascinated we become with the toys of this world the more we forget that there’s another world to come.” AW Tozer              


Bekende Bybelfigure Twyfel

Het jy al ooit oor jou geloof getwyfel? Op een of ander stadium twyfel almal in God, die Bybel en kernelemente van ons geloof. Twyfel is deel van die menslike toestand. In die Bybel lees ons van baie mense wat getwyfel het – sommige van hulle groot geloofshelde.
