Werk vier uur per week
Let us not be moved by the specious argument, that it is humility to disallow private judgment, and to have no opinion of our own, that it is the part of the true Christian not to think for himself – J. C. Ryle
Werk vier uur per week
Timothy Ferriss het ‘n baie interessante boek – The 4-Hour Workweek – geskryf. Dit gaan nie net oor ‘n beter aftrede nie.Hy sê: “When you run so fast to get somewhere you miss half the fun of getting there.” Hy sê dat te veel van ons vir ons uitbrand as gevolg van werkpatrone wat net nie volgehou kan word nie.
Twee wette – eenvoudig maar moeilik om te implementeer – is die basis van sy teorie